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Since our inception, we have diversified a lot in our journey. We have a wide range of products and services which we offer to our customers on a turnkey basis. We take up a project at the initial planning stage and steadily progress step by step towards completion and commissioning. We at ANUBHA INTERNATIONAL make sure that we bring to you the latest and the fittest technology, that enhances your living and working experience exponentially. We bring to you products & services that are cost-effective, easy to plan, easy to install, easy to operate, and easy to maintain. Though we have a wide variety of products and services in our list we widely divide our products and services into two distinct categories for ease of understanding, planning, and execution, and also important to mention that some of the products and services and not category-specific and are universally executable. We provide products and service like Home Theater Systems, Home Automation, Home Security, Electrical Consultancy etc. in the residential sector, and in the commercial sector, we have products & services like Auditorium/meeting/conference hall setups, street lighting, sports arena lighting, security & surveillance systems etc.
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